Turret Series

BVL 500 H | BVL 550 H | BVL 700 H | BVL 800 H | BVL 900 H | BVL 1250 H

Turret Series

To meet the requirement of heavy engineering industries such as Oil & Gas, Earth Moving, and Automobile, VTL H series machines delivers its best graded cast iron bed and column assures thermal stability and better machine life accuracy along with great rigidity, stability, and performance. Box type construction, heavy-duty spindle, high speed bi-directional servo turret and wider box guide ways assures vibration-free cutting. VTL finds its wide application for machining of bigger diameter heavy components like valve body, motor body, break drum, disc brake, etc.

BFW Vertical Turning machines have been trademarked as Sudarshan series. With high speed, greater flexibility & rigidity BFW Sudarshan series proved as a true revolving profits partner in the shopfloor.

  • 12 station Hydraulic Turret
  • Machine lamp, 3-tier lamp & manual pulse generator on machine control panel
  • Safety door interlock
  • AC unit for electrical cabinet
  • Hydraulic power pack with float level switch
  • Heavy-duty LM guides for X & Z-axis
  • High Rigid Structure, Base, and sub-assembly parts
  • Extensive series range
  • Rapid traverse rates of 20 m/min reduce cycle times. Linear motion guide-ways on the X & Z axes ensure better positioning and repeatability.
  • Heavy-duty spindle, high speed bi-directional hydraulic turret assures vibration-free cutting
  • Wide access to the chuck zone facilitates ease of loading and unloading of parts.
  • Chip conveyor ( slat for steel or scraper for cast Iron)
  • Two speed gear-box is an optional feature available for 800 H machines
  • Fixture tooling and prove out of the component
  • High power spindle 22/30 kW ( Not applicable with 2-speed gearbox)
  • High column (220 mm for higher daylight area in lieu of STD column)
  • Machine color as per customer requirement
  • Inch or metric serration chuck as per customer requirement
  • Auto door, Extra set of jaws, boring sleeves, and empty sleeves

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To meet the requirements of heavy engineering industries such as Oil & Gas, Earth Moving, and Automobile, VTL H series machines deliver their best-graded cast iron bed and column assuring thermal stability and better machine life accuracy along with great rigidity, strength, and performance. Box type construction, heavy-duty spindle, high-speed bi-directional servo turret, and wider box guide ways assure vibration-free cutting. VTL finds its wide application for machining of bigger diameter heavy components like valve body, motor body, break drum, disc brake, etc.

Turret Series

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